My links
General aquatic | Fish | Crustaceans and gastropods | Aquatic plants | Orchids
General @kva-net - det elektroniske akvarieblad
I @kva-net finder du altid nyt om fisk, planter, foder, sygdomme, opdræt, tips og tricks. - Kort sagt: Alt, hvad der vedrører dit akvarie.
Age of Aquariums is a non-commercial hobbyist site about tropical fish and aquarium.
Danish aquatic site.
Danish aquatic site.
Benny B. Larsens hjemmeside
Det akvaristiske leksikon
Latinske oversættelser, Taxonomi, populærnavne, synonymer, botanik, geografi, fagudtryk, sygdomme, ordbog, om-, og beregninger, formler...Kort sagt: Al baggrundsviden til akvariehobbyen.
Heaven on Earth - Borneo
Michael Lo’s homepage about the flora and fauna on Borneo.
Johnny Jensen’s Aquarium Photo
Big photo album with excellent photos og fresh- and saltwater fish and animals.
Sundaland Fishes
Welcome to the natural habitats of SE Asian aquarium fishes.
Thailand Nature Explorer
The Krib: Aquaria and Tropical Fish
The oldest living aquarium web site, having been around since January 1994.
This site contains information about tropical fish aquariums, including archived usenet postings and e-mail discussions, along with new articles and photographs designed specifically for the web.
Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Fish
Fish Anabantoid Society of Great Britain AAGB
To promote an interest in the study and maintenance of the Anabantoidei, Luciocephalidae, Channidae and Badis families.
Danios and Devarios
The aims of this site are to further the knowledge of Danios & Devarios and some of the closely related species.
Dansk Cichlide Selskab
DCS er en landsdækkende specialforening, der har til formål at fremme interessen for og udbrede kendskabet til cichlider.
Klub, artikler, forum, links og andet.
30900 Species, 269600 Common names, 46500 Pictures, 42200 References, 1600 Collaborators, 24 million Hits/month.
Gobioid Research Institute
Specialside omhandlende gobier/kutlinger
Home of the Rainbowfish
Internationalen Gemeinschaft für Labyrinthfische
International Loach Association
The main aims of ILA are to promote the keeping and welfare of loaches.
Loaches Online - Community Edition
Are you interested in Loaches? Do you like them? Do you love them? Do you think you might be a Loachaholic? Then you just discovered the greatest community of like-minded people anywhere.
Karsten Keibels hjemmeside om Parosphromenus og andre fisk.
Planet Catfish
Catfish of the Month, Book Reviews, huge database that covers 1652 species and holds 6765 images, forum, shop.
Helene Schoubyes hjemmeside om Parosphromenus og andre labyrintfisk. (With English Version)
All about rasbora.
Seriously Fish
A fishkeeping information resource developed by a small group of passionate fishkeepers.
The IBC Species Maintenance Program
The IBC Species Maintenance Program is a clearinghouse and resource center for all existing available information on Betta species - THE information source on Channidae on the Internet
Ichthyological and aquaristic resource for snakehead fishes (Channidae). Information and pictures about all parachanna, channa, ophicephalus.
Crustaceans and gastropods AGW
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wirbellose Tiere der Binnengewässer. German site.
Breeding Amano shrimps
Breeding Yamato (a.k.a. Amano) shrimp, Caridina japonica.
Crusta 10
Crayfish, Crabs, Shrimps and Snails. German site.
Information and advice to help you take good care of freshwater aquarium shrimp, crystal red shrimp, crs, red bee shrimp, invertebrates.
Freshwater shrimp hub of the world.
Dansk site om ferskvandsrejer med billeder, artikler og forum.
ShrimpNow !!!
Freshwater shrimp library, gallery, forum and more.
The Apple Snail (Ampullariidae) Website
Information about apple snails (Ampullariidae): ecology, care, anatomy, species and genera, FAQ, literature, photographs, diseases and more.
for dem der ikke kan få for mange planter i akvariet...
Alt om planter til akvarier og havedamme.
This website is all about Aquatic Moss, and is dedicated to all planted aquaria enthusiasts who are interested is creating a natural aquarium using aquatic moss.
Aquatic Gardeners Association
An international nonprofit organization of aquatic plant enthusiasts, which appeals to both beginners and experienced hobbyists alike.
Aquatic Plant Central
- aquascaping... a living art
Cryptocoryne Garden (椒草园)
Illumbomb’s cryptocoryne blog
Field trips, growing tips, substrate tests and loads of Cryptocoryne photos.
Cryptocoryne - plants from the family Arceae.
The Crypts pages
These pages are on the cultivation and taxonomy of plants of the genus Cryptocoryne (Araceae).
Tropica Aquarium Plants
Nonaquatic linksOrchids American Orchid Society
Education. Conservation. Research.
Orchid Board
The source for all your orchid needs.
- The orchid community
Orchids of the World
Orchids Online
Galleries, Orchid A-Z, forum and more.